Psychological Safety at Work: What It Is and How to Boost It With Recruitment

Building a culture of psychological safety is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance. In this webinar, we’ll clear up the confusion around psychological safety, explain how everyday behavior can foster happy work environments, and give you the tools you can use in your organization.


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Lack of psychological safety is the primary driver of dissatisfaction at work, employee burnout, and consequently, one of the main reasons behind the Great Resignation.

Organizations that understand the importance of psychological safety and prioritize it at work enjoy a 50% increase in productivity, a 76% increase in employee engagement, and a 27% decrease in turnover (Accenture). And the benefits don’t end here: promoting and nurturing a safe work environment positively affects your employer brand and attracts sought-after talent. After all, everyone wants to work in a team where they feel included, have room to develop and grow, and aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo and innovate.


People don’t leave jobs, they leave toxic work environments.

While we all acknowledge the value of safe and healthy team dynamics, the grim reality is that only about one-quarter of employees reported feeling psychologically safe at work (Workhuman). How can we turn the situation around?

It all starts with understanding what psychological safety is and isn’t.

Join us for a webinar with Katarina Segerståhl, Ph.D., Founder, and CEO of Adalyon, as we dispel the myths around psychological safety and share tips on building healthy team dynamics.

On top of that, we’ll also discuss how recruiters can hire for psychological safety. And no, it’s not about hiring people that behave similarly but about creating high-performance teams that foster innovation and fruitful collaboration.At the end of the session, you’ll have tools and knowledge to create a culture of psychological safety in your organization.

In this webinar, we’ll

  • Discuss what psychological safety is and isn’t
  • Learn why psychological safety is important at work
  • Identify and recognize the everyday behaviors that make or break psychological safety
  • Explore different behavioral models and patters
  • Learn how to build psychological safety in a hybrid work world
  • Delve into how to hire for stronger teams
  • Discuss the role of recruitment in psychological safety at work


Katarina Segerståhl

Ph.D., Founder & CEO, Adalyon

Katarina Segerståhl is an impact entrepreneur and a board member. She is the founder and CEO of Adalyon, helping teams build psychological safety and healthy team dynamics with behavioral data. She has 18+ years of experience in health and IT services and academic background in behavioral sciences and information systems from the University of Oulu and Stanford University. A treasure trove of expertise, Katarina understands the challenges many companies face today and can provide solutions to help teams strengthen psychological safety and grow.

Saara Saalamo

Head of Marketing, Recright

Saara Saalamo is the Head of Marketing at Recright and she has extensive experience in B2B marketing in the field of technology, professional services, and SaaS companies in start-up/scale-up and high-growth stages. Being a people person, recruitment and psychology are close to her heart. Saara’s leadership motto is “Listen, learn and lead.”
