Building candidate-centric recruitment in 2022

In this live session, we’ll discuss the pressing need of building a more candidate-centric recruitment process, how to do it, and why it’s important to start right now.


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There’s a lot of talk about labor shortage and talent matching issues—both huge global challenges. Companies and organizations struggle to attract and hire the talent they need for several reasons. One of them is the fact that recruitment is becoming more candidate-centric.

This shift puts pressure on companies not only to invest more in their employer brand and candidate experience but also to rethink their hiring process as a whole.

Modern and candidate-first recruitment process calls for new methods and tools that both remove the friction from the candidate side and help hiring teams assess candidates more comprehensively than, e.g., with traditional CV screening.

We’ll sit down with Markus Tuonenjoki and Bastian Boucht from Teamtailor and have a chat about the hurdles many companies are facing in their hiring, like not having enough qualified candidates, losing candidates to competitors, not being able to evaluate candidates properly for their true potential or day-to-day recruitment ops being chaotic and tiresome. We’ll focus on introducing the top tried and tested methods & tools to navigate towards more candidate-centric recruitment.

Markus, Country Manager of Finland, has more than 15 years of experience as a recruiting manager (and more than 20 years of experience in sales) whereas Bastian, Senior Sales, and Business Developer, has helped hundreds of customers to excel in their hiring that candidates appreciate and love. Our host, Janne Suihkonen from Recright, has been educating recruiters and hiring managers about candidate-friendly ways to hire since 2016.

At the end of the live session, you’ll have a handful of concrete tools and practical ways how to develop your recruitment process in a more candidate-centric direction that fosters recruiter wellbeing, improves the candidate experience, and eventually unlocks company growth.

In this webinar

We’ll talk about why companies should invest more in putting their candidates first and develop better hiring processes:

  • Why do companies need to change their hiring (some methods are still from the 1950s)
  • What does it mean to be candidate-centric?
  • What simple tools and methods there are that support candidate-centric recruitment?
  • Practical tips on making the change smooth and fun


Bastian Boucht

Senior Sales & Business Development, Teamtailor

I work as a Senior Sales & Business Developer at Teamtailor and what keeps me motivated is working in sales and closing deals! My colleagues would describe me as an ambitious, hard-working guy who is always there to help others to achieve their goals.

Markus Tuonenjoki

Country Manager, Head of Sales Finland, Teamtailor

I have more than 15 years of experience as a recruiting manager and more than 20 years of experience in sales. Recruitment and sales have many unifying factors, the most important of which are creating strong trust and igniting the flame of interest.

Janne Suihkonen

Customer Specialist

I have an extensive background in video recruitment, especially pre-recorded video interviews, from working in customer support (when no one knew next to nothing about video recruitment) to my current position in sales and customer success. Anyone who knows me can vouch I’m very passionate about providing only the very best experience to all our customers.
